Middle school girls basketball team will travel to Alsea today.
Please dismiss the team at 1pm for a 1:15 departure.
High School Students:
If you are interested in helping out at Santa’s Workshop as part of the Christmas Bazaar at the Walterville Grange on Saturday, Dec. 1st please see Pam for details.
Lego Robotics
Wednesday’s after school.
See Mr. Culp if you are interested.
Yearbooks have arrived!
We have extra, the cost is $45.00
McKenzie Blood Drive
November 27th from 9am – 3pm
Call Corey Christensen – 541-822-3313 to make an appointment.
Walk in’s Welcome.
Give Blood. Get Cookies. Be a Hero. Save a Life!
Upcoming Events:
December 5th- K-12 Music Concert – 6pm
December 12th – African Children’s Choir – 7pm
December 14th – ½ day for students
December 21st- Winter Break Begins- Return to School January 7th 2019!