Congrats class of 2021!
McKenzie families,
We will honor our graduating class of 2021 on Saturday, June 12, 2021, at 11 a.m in the Old McKenzie High School Gym.
We’re so proud to be celebrating the accomplishments of our students! Our school and community have faced many obstacles this year, from COVID to the Holiday Farm Fire. A celebration of our graduates and their accomplishments is well deserved.
Upper McKenzie Rural Fire Protection District Chief Rainbow Plews will act as the keynote speaker. Chief Rainbow is credited with saving lives and homes during the Holiday Farm Fire. The McKenzie School Class of 2021 chose the chief to provide their inspirational graduation speech.
We will share virtual messages from U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley, U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden and Rep. Peter Defazio with graduates and attendees. The Hope Project, a local nonprofit, will also announce a special surprise for each graduate.
With Lane County moving to lower risk this week, gym capacity has been expanded to allow seating of up to 405 people. Masks will still be required for all attendees.
Go Eagles!,
Lane Tompkins
McKenzie School District