Hello McKenzie Families,
We are sorry, but you may see some connectivity issues as we approach the winter break.
We are so proud of your efforts to continue your distance learning, and we know this is out of your control. Your teachers and staff will continue to work with you, but we understand if you were relying on this service.
We are working with the county to try to find solutions.
Here's what we know:
- AT&T will be removing its SatCOLT (Satellite Cell Site on Light Truck) from the Vida area because the AT&T network supporting that area has been restored. AT&T is also working to upgrade its permanent tower to LTE service, which will further improve voice and data service for users.
- T-Mobile will continue to provide a SatCOLT in the McKenzie Bridge area.
- Verizon Wireless will remove its SatCOLTS from the fire area on Monday, December 14, because the equipment does not work in the snow.
- Oregon Internet Response (OIR) will continue to provide services to the McKenzie Corridor.
- The Wi-Fi access provided by OIR does support Wi-Fi calling. Please see the map image below for the locations of OIR's Wi-Fi access points.
Instructions for Wi-Fi calling are available at:
- Apple: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT203032
- Android: https://support.google.com/phoneapp/answer/2811843?hl=en
- Residents who are served by McKenzie Fire & Rescue and who will not have mobile coverage can also report to the Leaburg Fire Station for emergency needs (42870 McKenzie Highway). The station is staffed 24/7.
Here are additional resources for updates:
Blue River Bulletin Board
McKenzie Community Development Corporation
McKenzie Residents Wildfire Group