McKenzie River Community School Announcements September 18, 2019

McKenzie River Community School Announcements September 18, 2019

Lunch Menu
Spaghetti with Garlic Bread
Chicken Nuggets

Middle School volleyball will take on Triangle Lake today at 4:30.
Middle school football will also play Triangle Lake today at 5:00.

Homecoming Spirit Week will be September 30th - October 4th. 
The dance will be Friday, October 4th after the football game.
If you have a song that you would like played at the Homecoming dance, come to the office to write down your request.
If your date to the Homecoming Dance is not from McKenzie, see Pam in the office to fill out a "Guest Request".
We will be releasing dress up days, homecoming court and lunch games shortly.

Upcoming Events:
September 24th - Salmon Watch Field Trip- 7th grade
September 26th- ½ Day for Students
October 15th – PSAT for 8th & 9th grades
October 16th – PSAT for 10th & 11th grades