Fire Message Update

Dear Members of the McKenzie Community,

It deeply saddens us to witness yet another fire affecting our cherished community. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the numerous first responders who are tirelessly working to safeguard our homes and property and those bravely combating the fires in our area.

We recognize the profound strain this places on all of us, particularly those within the evacuation zones.

The Red Cross has established a shelter at Lowell High School, located at 65 Pioneer St, Lowell, OR 97452, to assist evacuees from both the Lookout and Bedrock Fires.

If you require further assistance or support, kindly reach out to Lacey Joy at 541-554-0209 or myself, Lane Tompkins, at 541-854-5339. There are many resources in our community; a call center with current evacuation can be reached at 541-682-2055.

Continue to reach out to your family and friends in our community to see if they might need help. We will be sure to communicate resources as they become available.

Lane Tompkins
McKenzie School District
McKenzie River Community School