McKenzie Elementary Daily Bulletin April 17, 2019

Garlic Bread
Chicken Nuggets

Mrs. Carlson (pm)-
Mrs. Adams

Attendance incentive: Every day until school is out; we will draw a winner to receive a prize. You could win a prize just for being at school how cool is that? You could be next, but you have to be here to be in the drawing for that day!
Congratulations to Owen M., Tuesday’s winner!
We will be giving away a BIG prize on Thursday at the Sluggo Reading Challenge assembly.
It’s a half day, make sure you are here to be entered into the drawing for that day!

Upcoming Events
April 17th – School Board Meeting @ 5:30pm – District Office
April 18th – 3rd quarter Fun Fest (craft/activity) 9:15-10:15am
April 18th – Sluggo Reading Challenge Assembly @ 10:30am
April 18th – Student half day
April 22nd – Blood Drive – Call HS to sign-up/walk-in’s welcome
April 24th – 3rd quarter Celebrations Assembly @ 2:15pm